When not working in design, Sarah Rich writes, talks and forecasts about food and consumer culture.

From the Frank Lloyd Wright School: Taliesin Mod.Fab
With so many green prefab projects out there, designers have to continually up their game to hit the highest standards of...
Compostmodern 2009: This weekend!
This coming Saturday, February 21, the second Compostmodern conference will take place at the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco.
Ice and Snow Furniture
There's an old saying: When life gives you blizzards, make snow furniture. We're paraphrasing, but the sentiment holds true.
Cast a Vote in the Greener Gadgets Competition
Later this month, the second annual Greener Gadgets Conference will take place in New York City, promising as always to convene...
Hand-Me-Down Design for Long Life
In a world of planned obsolescence, it's hard to convince people to buy a product that can never be one-upped by the shinier,...
New Amsterdam Plein & Pavilion
This year marks the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's arrival in the New York Harbor, and while it may not strike everyone as...
SunRun Solar Stimulus Package
This week's news was riddled with updates on the slow passage of President Obama's stimulus package through Congress.
Timeless Garden Botanical Clock
Plugging a cord into a socket or inserting a battery may seem like the easiest way to power a small appliance but it's not the...
Houndstooth Dogtent
Diehard design lovers leave nothing to chance when it comes to outfitting their kids and pets.
Nature’s Graces
With the lightness and imagination of origami and the mathematical exactitude of digital design, this open-air chapel invites all...
SchubLaden's Modern Salvage
The use of salvaged material in design has become such a strong sign of responsibility and sustainability that it sometimes...
Turning the Tide on Table Design
San Francisco-based designer Adrien Segal has taken data visualization to new heights with her tidal datum table, a...
101 Alernative Energy: Zeroing In
It’s become increasingly common to hear the term“zero energy” or “zero carbon” used to describe buildings that achieve complete...
101 Alternative Energy: Gusty Thoughts and Tankless Tasks
101 Alternative Energy: Sunny Delight
Sunlight transportation systems are the pinnacle of innovation in energy-efficient design.
101 Alternative Energy: Light On
The standard pear-shaped incandescent bulb thatmost of us have been using for ages has a bad reputation among environmentalists...
101 Alternative Energy: Climate Control
Few things use more energy at home than the pursuitof the perfect indoor temperature.
101 Alternative Energy: Knowledge Is Power
If necessity is the mother of invention, then the coupled concerns of population growth and resource depletion might be...
In the San Francisco offices of Yves Béhar’s industrial design and branding firm, the work environment suits the work.
An der Alster 1
The new office complex by J. Mayer H. Architects sits on the edge of downtown Hamburg, bordering the Aussenalster waterfront.
In Shibaura, this former bowling alley is now the shared offices of international advertising agency TBWA and Japanese agency...
Pallotta TeamWorks Headquaters
Inside a 47,000-square-foot warehouse, Clive Wilkinson built a veritable campus for Pallotta TeamWorks, a national charity-events...
Herman Miller Design Center
Herman Miller’s National Design Center in Atlanta achieved a LEED Gold rating for commercial interiors.
Obama's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Back in December, when news first emerged about the appointment of Shaun Donovan to the Obama administration as Secretary for...
We Love Jaya Loves Tekeko
Somewhere between the fanciful beasts of Where the Wild Things Are and the hand-drawn charm of Marimekko, the characters in the...
Lone Star
Rural Texas commonly conjures visions of Stetsons, spurs, and longhorn steer, but the countryside contains more than just cowboys.
London Cooling
The Lighthouse, by British architects Sheppard Robson, seeks to redefine the future of residential energy by plugging into the...
High Design in Denver
Denver, Colorado, is on a Rocky Mountain high of art and architecture with new museums by Daniel Libeskind and David Adjaye.
A Striking Bohemian Geothermal Home
Taking a calculated turn from tradition, two Czech architects designed a modern rendition of a classic Bohemian home, powered by...
Vespa Revamped
While probably not ideal for rainy climes, Portuguese carpenter/designer Carlos Alberto built a Vespa that could be reason enough...
Greg Lynn Recycled Toy Furniture
Perhaps you have spent your entire life thinking that plastic bath toys were very unsophisticated.
Post Bale
Boulder, Colorado, straddles a dynamic geographical border where miles of Rocky Mountains descend into flat plains that stretch...
The Wayback Machine: Your Solar House
Before the word "solar" evoked images of flat PV panels stuck on rooftops, many architects already had a mind to use the sun to...
Salvage Love
The first year out of college is a wildcard for most people.
Landshare: Networked Gardening
Not since the days of post-WWII victory gardens have so many people been motivated to supplement their grocery purchases with...
Molded Poly Seats Made from Paper
Most modern furniture aficionados are loyal to the classic molded shell chairs, cast in brightly colored plastic and formed into...