Think Small With This Gigantic Guide to Tiny Homes
Downsizing your life? Big benefits await.
Breathe Easy With These Tried-and-True Solutions for Indoor Air Pollution
It’s a global crisis, but there are ways to protect yourself.
How Much Should You Spend on Curtains?
From fabric choices to pleating, interior designers break down how to select the ideal curtains—and how much you should budget.
7 Smart ADUs and Additions That Cost as Little as $18K
From a shingled studio in Minneapolis to a two-bedroom guesthouse in L.A., these backyard projects are something to emulate.
How Designer Molly Bloom Enlisted Her Family to Renovate—Without Going Crazy
When the creative found the home of her dreams just 10 minutes away from her parents, she set about making the ideal space to...
How to Settle Design Disputes Without Getting a Divorce
When you and your partner just can’t agree on what color to paint the walls, treating your conversations like therapy can help...
So You Bought an Earth House. Now What?
When Andrew and Emmye Cahn bought a partially subterranean house dubbed “the Hobbitat,” they had to figure out how to update it...
How to Buy a Fake Christmas Tree that Will Actually Bring You Joy
Get over yourself (if you need to) and get a tree that will last you a lifetime.
I Used AI Interior Designers to Reimagine My Boring Basement
What can a machine do that a human can’t? In the case of my unfinished bonus space, not much.
How to Get Into Scented Candles
The market is fully saturated with smells. Here's how to find one that works for you.