These 10 Tiny Homes Make a Huge Case for the Small Space
In her new book “Living Little,” writer and editor Hannah Jenkins counts the ways—and the reasons why—we’re drawn to small spaces.
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Tiny homes, trailers, rooftop apartments, and prefab cabins—the typologies may vary, but together they represent a growing trend toward a simpler, smaller way of living. The motivations to downsize are many, says Living Little author Hannah Jenkins—and they include the high cost of urban areas, and the desire to live affordably on one’s own. But one thing’s for sure—"It most certainly does not mean we have to compromise on design and quality of life," she writes. Read on for a peek at just a few homes from the book that prove you can live large with a small footprint.
A Barcelona Apartment With an Inner Courtyard
A Flat With Floor-to-Ceiling Kitchen Mirrors in Barcelona
Duncan Nielsen
News Editor
Duncan Nielsen is the News Editor at Dwell. Share story tips or ideas at duncan at dwell dot com.
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