Robert Gordon-Fogelson is the editorial intern at Dwell. He studies twentieth-century design history at the Bard Graduate Center, where his research interests revolve around the history of modern design retailing and the intersection between products, interiors, and architecture.

Using Color for Good: Q&A with Designer Ruth Lande Shuman
Industrial designer Ruth Lande Shuman, who founded the nonprofit Publicolor, expounds on color’s emotional value.
Modern Across America: Salt Lake City
In our Modern Across America issue, we spotlighted five American cities with design scenes worth watching.
Modern Across America: Cincinnati, Ohio
In our Modern Across America issue, we spotlighted five American cities with design scenes worth watching.
Modern Across America: Charleston, South Carolina
In our Modern Across America issue, we spotlighted five American cities with design scenes worth watching.
Modern Across America: Baltimore, Maryland
In our Modern Across America issue, we spotlighted five American cities with design scenes worth watching.