How to Design a Kitchen That’s Ideal for Entertaining
Besides being a place for food preparation and cooking, your kitchen can be a prime social zone where your friends and family can...
Think Small With This Gigantic Guide to Tiny Homes
Downsizing your life? Big benefits await.
How Much Should You Spend on a Duvet?
Top interior designers weigh in on what to look for in a duvet cover or insert—and what it should ultimately cost.
I Survive Cross-Country Road Trips By Making My Car Feel Like Home
After doing it six times in three years, my dog and I have become experts in figuring out what we need to be happy when on the...
Want to Replace Your Lawn With Something Else? You Have Options
A growing coalition are just saying no to regular grass. Join them in considering clover, moss, meadow, and more.
How to Buy a Fake Christmas Tree that Will Actually Bring You Joy
Get over yourself (if you need to) and get a tree that will last you a lifetime.
A Comprehensive Taxonomy of Unfairly Maligned Building Materials
Stop being so rude to linoleum.