Living Room Rug Floors Medium Hardwood Floors Chair Wall Lighting Table Lighting Coffee Tables Design Photos and Ideas

The wall paneling and living room screens are a waxed white oak.
If they aren’t at the cocktail-fueled Evening Bar, chances are guests are hanging out in the “living room”—at least until the beer hall Brakeman and fried chicken joint Penny Red’s open.
A motley assortment of contemporary local and international art curated by the Detroit gallery Library Street Collective enlivens the hotel.
The floor-to-ceiling windows give dramatic proportions and a sweeping view of the city.
Circa-1940s documents that were filed with the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety credit William H. Thomas, who was a very close friend of graphic designer Alvin Lustig, as the house’s “certified architect.” After extensive research conducted by the home’s previous owner, Andy Hackman, the house’s current owner, Andrew Romano, believes the structure was in fact Lustig’s own design.