Dining Room Stools Shelves Bench Table Design Photos and Ideas

New York, New York
Dwell Magazine : November / December 2017
The location for the new restaurant, which opened in February 2010, was a barn on the ranch that had been used as a plant nursery. "It wasn't an incredibly old barn," Johanson says. "It was built around the 1970s, but it was built with a very agricultural look." To stay true to its form, Johanson and her colleagues Mark Wilson, Catharine Tarver, and Bridie McSweeney decided to leave as much of the structure intact as possible, playing up the post-and-beam system and revealing the shape of the roof on the interior.
London’s well-known gin-making experience can also be found at The Distillery, which is led by master distiller, Jake Burger.  At The Ginstitute, you can concoct your own special blend of gin and take a journey through the spirit’s history.
In The Resting Room, master distiller Jake Burger and a team of instructors create their gin in two 30-liter copper stills on-site. You can also test out a curated selection of international spirits that have been aged in handmade barrels that sit above the bar.