Looking Good for More Than 70 Years: This Cozy Joseph Esherick Home is Amazingly Well-Preserved
The acclaimed Bay Area architect Joseph Esherick, along with his wife, Rebecca, designed a house for their family in Marin County, California only a few years after the couple had graduated from college at Penn. The home is still in great condition today. Joseph and Rebecca's children, Lisa and Joe, spent their early years in the house, and shared a few memories from their time there. They say that their parents would let them jump off the upper balcony onto chaise lounges on the lower balcony, and that Joe, when only 7 or 8 years old, occupied a room below the house with a separate entrance, where his parents also had a drafting room. Here, we take a tour of the house, which is suspended in the trees in the town of Ross and features views of Mt. Tamalpais.
Read more about the house here. The photos in this story were taken by Seth Smoot and styled by Kendra Smoot.
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