Miranda Tengs Brun and Josefine Gilbert are a Danish-Norwegian duo shaking up pattern and textile design with MIJO STUDIO.
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Brun, 30, and Gilbert, 31, are shaking things up using large-scale prints alive with splashy colors and wavy brushstrokes. Experimentation plays a major role in their work‚ as demonstrated in the print on their AIO chair. 

"By mistake‚ the combination of color and movement suddenly created this fascinating pattern‚" says Gilbert. 

"After some time‚ we figured out how to control the new technique‚ which we have been using ever since," she adds.

AIO by MIJO STUDIO, with its sculptural shapes and dynamic hand printed pattern. 

AIO by MIJO STUDIO, with its sculptural shapes and dynamic hand printed pattern. 

The two designers met while attending The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts’ School of Design. Together‚ they established MIJO STUDIO in Copenhagen in 2016‚ where they collaborate with such clients as Eve Sleep‚ NuTe‚ and The Poster Club.

Josefine Gilbert (left) and Miranda Tengs Brun (right)

Josefine Gilbert (left) and Miranda Tengs Brun (right)

See what early design memories Brun and Gilbert share, and read more of their responses to our Q&A, below.

Hometowns: Stavanger, Norway (Brun) & Copenhagen, Denmark (Gilbert)

Describe what you make in 140 characters. At MIJO STUDIO we make textiles, furniture, and different collaborations. Our work is characterized by bold and playful patterns.

What's the last thing you designed? Together, we worked on a poster collection for a German interior brand.

Do you have a daily creative ritual? I look through my sketchbooks for inspiration and new ideas. —Brun

What everyday object would you like to redesign? Why? A sofa. I think it could be fun to experiment with the balance between function, form, and pattern. —Gilbert

Who are your heroes (in design, in life, or in both)? We both look to Marie Gudme Leth as a hero. She was the first woman in Denmark to create textile prints.

TO by MIJO STUDIO, one of their latest designs. 

TO by MIJO STUDIO, one of their latest designs. 

What skill would you most like to learn? I would love to learn how to read music and play the piano. —Brun

What is your most treasured possession? We both love our sketchbooks.

What's your earliest memory of an encounter with design? Each of us recall fond memories of sewing with our mothers.

What contemporary design trend do you despise? I try not to follow trends necessarily. —Gilbert

Are you left-handed or right-handed? We're both right handed.

Finish this statement: All design should...inspire and awaken joy. —Brun

I sketch with a…pen. —Gilbert

I work best with…music. —Brun

I do my best work...late a night. —Gilbert

Our studio is…a hive of productive clutter.

Instagram is...a promotional tool.

The Lil Chair by MIJO STUDIO.

The Lil Chair by MIJO STUDIO.

Choose one: Bauhaus, Memphis, or Brutalist? We both agree: Memphis

Rank the following: (1) Function, (2) Form, and (3) Fun —Gilbert

Choose one: Less is More, Just Enough is Enough, or More is More? Just Enough is Enough. —Brun

Choose one: Past, Present, or Future? Future —Gilbert

If you had to pick a favorite material, what would it be? Textiles —Brun 

What’s in your dream house? At the moment, I am dreaming about the  Ekstrem chair from the Norwegian Varier Furniture. —Gilbert 

You can follow MIJO STUDIO on their website or on Instagram.

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