Do I Need to Hire a Landscape Architect?
You’re surveying your yard with trepidation, wondering: Can I actually design this myself?
I Turned My Cobwebby Basement into a Home Gym—and Indoor Garden
If you want to make the best use of your bonus space, the first step is to just start using it—without waiting for everything to...
How to Save (or Budget) For Any Household Expense
You know to cut back on “unnecessary expenses,” but here are the tips that you may have missed.
How to Handle Thermostat Wars in Your Home
Setting the temperature doesn’t have to be contentious, so before you crank up the heat, consider other alternatives.
What You Need to Know Before You Buy the Big Skeleton
If you’re thinking about putting up Home Depot’s now iconic 12-foot skeleton this Halloween, the designer who helped bring it to...
How Often Should You Upgrade Your Household Appliances?
Most last about a decade, but there are ways to prolong their lifespans.
How to Plant a Garden That Looks Good Year-Round
Just because summer’s ending doesn’t mean that your garden has to look like it is, too.
How to Throw an Outdoor Party During the Dog Days of Summer
Go easy on the hot dogs, keep the beverages inside, and don't get the party started until the late afternoon.
Grow Bags Are the Easiest Way to Transform Your Garden
Instead of raised beds, try a solution that’s flexible and adaptable to any outdoor space, from a tiny side yard to a rolling...
How to Prioritize the Budget for Your Home Renovation
Always have a contingency and take it slow—it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
How to Deal With (and Prevent) a Backed-Up Sewer
Check your systems early and often—and also, consider a bidet.
Your HVAC Is Kaput. Should You Recharge or Replace?
Most heating and cooling issues are predictable. Here’s how you can prepare for the worst.
How to Turn a Junk Room Into a Breakfast Nook
Clear out the clutter and reclaim your wasted space.
How to Overcome the Obstacles to First-Time Homeownership
If financial, mental, or social obstacles are keeping you from buying your first home, here’s how to get past them.
Give Your House Presents This Holiday Season
Put your gift-giving budget to good use—and spruce up your home.
How to Turn Your Home Into a Gathering Space
If you want your space to be the go-to destination for events both big and small, the first step is comfort.
When to Take Advantage of Tax Credits for Home Improvement Projects
By making certain home improvements, you could cut a few thousand dollars off next year’s tax bill—but you might be able to save...
How a Potential Recession Should Affect Your Housing Decisions
When will rising interest rates affect prices? Who should buy a house now? Who shouldn't? And what to do if you're renting? We...