Kids Room Storage Shelves Bookcase Light Hardwood Floors Design Photos and Ideas

This children’s room and playroom caters to one family’s young kids with built-in cabinetry that allows the mess to be hidden away. Hufft designed this marker-board table, which was cut in the shape of Missouri. The ceiling features abstract details from Thomas Hart Benton paintings.
Now, the playroom can be accessed by the son’s bedroom or at the hallway. Custom woodwork fashions storage and a window seat.
Now, a custom built-in platform combines storage solutions with a mattress for sleeping, and doubles as a cozy, story-time nook. "When we were creating the room for their daughter, they wanted a little magic door into her place," says Klimoski, so they inserted curved pocket doors. The firm also designed the custom table lamp on the platform, made from Japanese origami paper and cast porcelain.
Custom built-in wood shelving adorns the playroom, providing a unique way to display books and toys.
The rug is by Flor and the Real Good chair is by Blu Dot.
Kids Room