Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Buying a Home, According to Three Experts
Buying a home is a longstanding goal for many, but the process of finding the perfect property and claiming it as your own can be...
Thinking About Building a Prefab Home? Here’s What You Need to Know
The appeal of a prefab house is clear, but the process of getting one is not.
Is Your Tiny House Really a Tiny House?
What does or does not count as a tiny house has as much to do with class as it does with the structure itself.
How to Prioritize the Budget for Your Home Renovation
Always have a contingency and take it slow—it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
How I Turned an Octagonal Joshua Tree House Into a Sustainable Oasis
I gave up my apartment and much of my old life in exchange for a valuable lesson—learned via sweat equity—about where our...
How to Overcome the Obstacles to First-Time Homeownership
If financial, mental, or social obstacles are keeping you from buying your first home, here’s how to get past them.