Collection by Diana Budds

Fireplaces from Spark Modern Fires

There's something undeniably appealing and entrancing about the flicker of a fireplace. Whether on a roof deck or in a patio, in a cozy bedroom or expansive living area, we say flame on by highlighting four favorites from Spark Modern Fires.

The Cube from Spark Modern Fires ($5,900) offers a striking freestanding option. Its stainless-steel construction is durable and a removable lid protects the natural gas– or propane-fueled heating element.
The Cube from Spark Modern Fires ($5,900) offers a striking freestanding option. Its stainless-steel construction is durable and a removable lid protects the natural gas– or propane-fueled heating element.
Fireplace options include systems that allow architects and designers to create custom installations indoors and out. The Vent Free models can be placed anywhere in a room since they do not require an exhaust system.
Fireplace options include systems that allow architects and designers to create custom installations indoors and out. The Vent Free models can be placed anywhere in a room since they do not require an exhaust system.
The outdooor Fire Ribbon is available in widths of three of four feet. They require no chimney, are fueled by natural gas or propane and can be operated by remote control.
The outdooor Fire Ribbon is available in widths of three of four feet. They require no chimney, are fueled by natural gas or propane and can be operated by remote control.