• Aurelien Barbry
    Aurélien Barbry is a designer based in Copenhagen. He graduated from Ecole Camondo Paris as an industrial and interior designer. He started his career by working with architect Jean Nouvel. Since then Aurélien has worked on many different interior and design projects. His clients include Georg Jensen, COR, Menu, Normann Copenhagen, HAY, ENO among others.
  • Decoration
    Et quatibeaque non explaciatem elit renis ut alitam, culpario dolor as assin et essimi, simus, nate plit ab ist, ulpa corum sedia se nulla des restint hil moluptatiis doluptus, quaecullori blautem et porrorero demos explitas cum hitatur, cuptatis ad qui officipsus etur? Equiatem facitatur rehenderum id eossunt omnias apiendi duciderum fuga. Me maion nus am, sume naturesti consequam non et quo quae qui doloreseque et fugitissum ut libus, odis dolut est et accae earupid ut quid que et offici alicill andipsu mquam, quia volor alibusdam volor accum hariorest rem aut voluptatio commolu ptisquia dusandi tasperibus verupta quis simusae. Lit quae as aliqui ide la volupie ndisquiatur sini commolupta doluptatas alignat ea dunt as simo magnam, coresti umenihi cipicta sam eium rererum fugit arciumquo voluptatiur accuscient ventore que inveribus. Explam, aut eliquiae niaturit rectem as imoluptas consector si ipsapistrum quos seritem remporrum facitiscid que sum site offic temqui inusaer speriasserum cum corem re solut labor ma et aspiet deniet hiciliquam aceat. Caborepratur sam, odic tem et labor ma se aspelle strunt. Is repro et qui cusantota cuption culparum dolut et apis repelita audio omniet labo. Et vid et ut es cumquis molenda nditatur sit lataturiat. Taquam et velese voluptio omnist, sam, consequ atendipsum ut vellest emporistio excepro voluptae dollaci psunto doluptas derume pre pos am aspicite volorest, cor re mi, ut prae. Nam nobit explia perat molut explit ra conseca temolorem vendem
  • GeorgeSF
    On an early spring day in 1987, as the first cherry and apple blossoms were bursting forth from the bare, winter-stripped branches, a wire hair fox terrier was born in the Bronx. (No, not exactly Bethlehem, but what do you want?) A couple of months later, the lucky puppy was lovingly adopted by Bobby Wise and Lyndon Lambert (themselves natives of the Lone Star State), whisked off to Manhattan, and named George, in roughly that order. Soon thereafter, the three of them did what folks have been doing since the Gold Rush, they moved to San Francisco. Fast forward four years. Bobby and Lyndon are deeply in love with their dog, and vice-versa, but find the range of available pet products madly uninspiring - and actually rather grating to their aesthetic sensibilities not to mention the d�cor of their very cute apartment. Hence, the epiphany. What would happen (they mused) if you designed goods that were as pleasing to look at and live with as they were to chew, sleep on, wear, and eat out of? Four years after the birth of George the dog, George the company was born. With their fox terrier as both inspiration and focus group, and a couple of very cool designers as co-conspirators, Bobby and Lyndon went to work. (Oh, and let's not forget the cadre of bossy, feline-fancying friends who acted as consultants). Pretty soon, there was an entire line of eye-catching accessories and baked-from-scratch treats for all manner of quadrupeds and natty gear for those who walk upright. Oh happy pet owners! And don't think it all passed without notice from the press. No way! Glossy rags from Metropolitan Home to House & Garden, In Style, and Lucky have also been charmed by the products. And pets seem mad about them too. Oh, and in case you were wondering, absolutely everything has been tested on humans for animal consumption*. Today, George offers its ever-expanding collection at two shops in San Francisco, Berkeley, and right here at this online store. Thanks for stopping by. Now isn't it time for a walk? *George was a proud founding (and still sole) member of PATA: People for the Aesthetic Treatment of Animals