Project posted by Nina Marco

Paul Rudolph’s iconic Biggs House Reimagined

Original photograph and rendering of proposed vista Del Mar street views. Addition will be on back of house accessed by a connector as not to disturb Paul Rudolph s Architectural design
Original photograph and rendering of proposed vista Del Mar street views. Addition will be on back of house accessed by a connector as not to disturb Paul Rudolph s Architectural design
Not completely accurate to approved design but just to give idea of our plan. Please note Paul Rudolph s house then the connector to the addition.
Not completely accurate to approved design but just to give idea of our plan. Please note Paul Rudolph s house then the connector to the addition.
Biggs house reimagined on the Vista de Mar street ( original  address and front side of house from that view. ( access on two streets)
Biggs house reimagined on the Vista de Mar street ( original address and front side of house from that view. ( access on two streets)


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From Nina Marco

Just recurved historic board approval and the final plans are in work .Excited to be a part of this team to bring back this home the way that Mr Rudolph intended!

Too early to publish but really wanted to introduce Dwell to this amazing project. We are at the beginning stages of bringing this home back to its integrity that it deserves. We were able to demolition all the horrible additions from the 70s,80s,and 90s last year while waiting for the Delray historic board approvals. If the address is pulled up you can see the addition that was done with no respect to the beauty of design of this home.
It has been breathing for a few months now! We have original pictures and Paul Rudolph s sketches of an addition and glass enclosure on bottom floor. We will be following his lead.