The Making of Dwell with Chris Gardner
To open our September 2009 apartment-themed issued, we dreamed up Dwell’s ideal apartment. Not content to play mere decorator, we tried on the role of developer and enlisted architect Craig Steely to design our multiunit abode and illustrator Chris Gardner to put the proposal on paper and give the concept some color.
Gardner is a master of illustration and one of the top talents at House Industries. A lifelong East Coaster born in Pennsylvania and now living in Delaware, Gardner got his start in the industry he dreamed of being a part of throughout his entire childhood: comic book illustration. After several years of 18- to 20-hour-long days, he found a home at House. Here, we give you an insight into Gardner’s career, inspirations, and aspirations as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the making of his “Apartment Fancy” illustration.