Collection by Erika Heet
Preview: Shigeru Ban's First Permanent U.S. Museum
Shigeru Ban calls the Aspen Art Museum, which is expected to be completed this summer, "my great step forward in my career as an architect." Dwell caught up with the architect for the recent reveal in Los Angeles.
The woven facade tempers the intense Aspen sun. "I tried to open the museum to the street and plaza," says Ban, who points out that he intended for the main building to be "totally practical, to contrast with the handmade craftsmanship."
Architectural rendering of the lobby and main interior entrance area of the new Aspen Art Museum on the East Hyman Avenue side. Image courtesy of the Aspen Art Museum and Shigeru Ban Architects (SBA).
The rooftop is most connected to the mountain. "It's important to take advantage of the existing context," says Ban. Visitors will be encouraged to begin at the top and work their way to the bottom. This museum experience, he says, "is like skiing. You take the lift and enjoy the view coming down."
Architectural rendering of the rooftop sculpture garden at the new Aspen Art Museum on East Hyman Avenue in the town’s downtown core. Image courtesy of the Aspen Art Museum and Shigeru Ban Architects (SBA).