In Japan, where the average life span of a building is about 25 years, using basic materials like plywood was essential to Murai’s design.
Uninspired by the loft options in downtown Portland, Oregon, the Andréns opted to design and build their own freestanding version in the hills just minutes from the city. Read more about this sleek three-story loft here.
Though the house sits cozily at the back of a birch forest clearing, Zhidkov says no trees were cut during construction.
The Heids incorporated mostly native plants into the courtyard, which Andrew designed as an ovoid decagon. The George Nelson Platform bench is from Design Within Reach. Solarban low-e glass improves insulation. The layout, says Andrew, is meant to “bring people together.”
The Birch Pavilion sits atop a 14-by-26-foot platform composed of hemlock and pressure-treated timbers. Photo courtesy of Moskow Linn Architects.