Embedded LED lighting allows the studio to glow at night. Image courtesy Deeds Design
Berenice Abbott: Night View, New York City (1932)
By putting solar power and recycled materials to use, Eric Garcetti and his partner transformed a mid-century house on a cozy hillside plot into a sustainable home with garden terraces and panoramic views. Photo by Misha Gravenor.
DUS is also working on incorporating recycled plastics into a more sustainable, bio-based 3-D printing material that's made especially for larger scaled architecture. Photo courtesy of DUS Architects.
Artist Tamara Gonzalez added to the rock n’ roll vibe of a recording studio. Tamara Gonzalez, I Like Your Room. Did a Pole Come With It?, 2013. Courtesy of the artist and The Red Bull Music Academy
This outdoor lamp by Archivio Storico for FontanaArte brings new meaning to hiding eggs in the backyard. It's like Easter for adults—only these glowing orbs won't be hard to find and there is most cetainly no candy inside them.