Collection by Aaron Britt

Issues Dedicated to Small Spaces

At Dwell, we've loved small spaces from the get-go. Cruise through these eight issues from our archive to see all the ways that small is smart.

Think Small features a nautically inspired New York home and a little red house with a lot of character in Seattle. Photo by: Adam Friedberg
Think Small features a nautically inspired New York home and a little red house with a lot of character in Seattle. Photo by: Adam Friedberg
Smaller is Smarter features this awesome, space-saving, 426-square-foot loft in San Diego, California. Photo by: Misha Gravenor
Smaller is Smarter features this awesome, space-saving, 426-square-foot loft in San Diego, California. Photo by: Misha Gravenor
The Boxhome is a great example of small Scandinavian simplicity and this Austin, Texas, bungalow gets a modern update without exploding its tiny footprint in our Small Wonders issue. Photo by: Pia Ulin
The Boxhome is a great example of small Scandinavian simplicity and this Austin, Texas, bungalow gets a modern update without exploding its tiny footprint in our Small Wonders issue. Photo by: Pia Ulin
Dwell June 2009 cover
Dwell June 2009 cover
Check out this issue of sweet small spots, including our cover story on arhitect Per Bornstein's diminutive home in Sweden. Photo by: Pia Ulin
Check out this issue of sweet small spots, including our cover story on arhitect Per Bornstein's diminutive home in Sweden. Photo by: Pia Ulin
In our 2011 small spaces issue we checked out the home of a pair of design-savvy Portlanders. And in the cover story we check out a small New York spot remade with 36 commercial doors. Photo by: Nicholas Calcott
In our 2011 small spaces issue we checked out the home of a pair of design-savvy Portlanders. And in the cover story we check out a small New York spot remade with 36 commercial doors. Photo by: Nicholas Calcott
We visited a pair of glass pavilions in Sonoma, California, and a 240-square-foot apartment in New York City. Photo by: Matthew Millman
We visited a pair of glass pavilions in Sonoma, California, and a 240-square-foot apartment in New York City. Photo by: Matthew Millman