Collection by Marianne Colahan
Fall Back Checklist: 10 Products for a Fun Daylight Savings
Do you know that daylight savings time this fall is November first? That means we’re awarded one extra hour of sleep after Halloween festivities—or one extra hour to stay up on Halloween night, however you want to look at it. We’ve assembled a collection of products in honor of “falling back” this year. These designs will come in handy all fall and winter long.
The seasonal change probably means more inside time, and we think there’s no better way to pass the time than to play a classic game with family members and friends. This chess set came out of a lifelong friendship with chess enthusiast friends Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray. Man Ray creates this distinctive chess set in 1920, offering a personal interpretation of each character on the chess board: an Egyptian pyramid for the King, a medieval headdress for the Queen, a flask for the Bishop and the carved scroll of a violin for the Knight.