Selfie Room by Cheungvogl
Inside the spa and treatment areas, one room is dedicated to self-reflection and the art of selfies. The "Selfie Room", a testing and sample room, creates a stage for visitors to feel like performers, models and directors of the self-image at the same time. The space features a long mirror wall, reflecting in the background is a curved mesh that filters indirect lighting. The light is designed to illuminate the faces perfectly without shadows. Upon entry, visitor experiences a light tunnel with continuous reflections. Animating the self-reflection within the abstract context, one is driven and inspired to act, document and ultimately share the moment. The space merges the online and offline experience of visitors and brands. By sharing the self-image through social media, visitors create 15-minute fame for themselves and advertisement space for the brand within their social networks. In the shared posts, the brand itself is only apparent in the Geotag. The ‘Selfie Room’ is a physical social media advertising space and a creative playground for self-reflection.
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