Promo Daily: Elizabeth Weinberg

In this installment of Photographer's Promotional Pieces We Love and Why: Elizabeth Weinberg
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We photo editors love to be up-to-date with your location and schedule. Yes, we can go to your website and look to see if you are still based in the same city or if you have your travel schedule posted on your blog. OR, you can kindly let us know when you decide to move or if you are traveling to some amazing locations. Elizabeth Weinberg did just that in her last promo when she moved to Los Angeles. It was a simple postcard with a beautiful image on the front. On the backside, all she said was "I am now based in Los Angeles!" and that is all she needed to say. It caught my eye right away and I noted her change in location. It was an effective way to get on our radar and we always appreciate the updates. 

Promo Daily: Elizabeth Weinberg - Photo 1 of 2 -

Promo Daily: Elizabeth Weinberg - Photo 2 of 2 -
Julia Sabot
Julia Sabot is passionate about everything photography related, and is a lover of the outdoors.


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