Does That Carbon Fiber Chair Come in Green?

Does That Carbon Fiber Chair Come in Green?

You've heard the old adage: Pay a steep price for a high-quality item, and you'll never regret it. This implies that if you buy cheap or shoddy goods, you'll end up paying over and over as you inevitably replace them.

The guys at Laisr, a design studio in Basel, Switzerland, put an ecological spin on that old chestnut: buy a great chair only once, and you'll never consume (and discard) another cheap chair ever again. Laisr is using the tweaked axiom to promote their new line of carbon-fiber stacking chairs as "green" products, despite the fact that carbon-fiber is essentially impossible to recycle, and environmentally dirty to produce.

Does That Carbon Fiber Chair Come in Green? - Photo 1 of 1 -

David A. Greene
Dave has contributed to Dwell since its inception. He's a CalArts dropout, a former art critic for The New Yorker, and a producer of comedies on TV. He lives in, and writes from, Los Angeles.


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