Crafting a Meaningful Home

Anonymous mass production is losing its mass-market appeal, and there’s a growing movement toward owning things that have origins beyond an assembly line. Handmade crafts have an inherent history, so it’s telling that the 27 projects outlined in Crafting a Meaningful Home are linked by two very strong, very personal themes: family and place.
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After author Meg Mateo Ilasco’s brief introduction, the book is structured by project, each of which is anchored by a poignant bit of background about the designers who share their work: Jean Lee’s almost impossibly thick Doily rug was born from youthful summers spent in Taiwan learning crafts with her mother; Anna Corpron and Sean Auyeung began experimenting with the material for their Rockite Bottle vases through endless model building in architecture school together. It’s almost enough to simply read their tales and admire their efforts—almost. We predict you’ll want to take part and start a new yarn or two yourself.

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Crafting a Meaningful Home
by Meg Mateo Ilasco
STC Craft, $25

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Jordan Kushins
Jordan Kushins is happiest when crafting but also enjoys drinking tea, swimming in outdoor pools, and Singin' in the Rain, and once baked a very large cake that was shaped like a hamburger.


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