After the 2021 Winter Storm, a Texas Homeowner Transformed Their Stone Ranch Into a Solar Powerhouse

A new roof with solar impressively and discreetly integrated has given this Texan homeowner peace of mind—and a new way to reduce their carbon footprint.

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GAF Energy
Timberline Solar is a roof, with solar added. It’s that simple.
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A big part of moving into a new house is turning the vision of a previous owner into your own—and for tech analyst Robert Gibby, the answer lay in solar roofing.

Gibby moved to a ranch-style family home in Austin, Texas, in 2020 and immediately began updating the exterior to make the home more efficient, from xeriscaping to reduce irrigation needs, to adding Tesla Powerwall backups, a tankless water heater, and smart home upgrades. The biggest change, however, was the innovative new solar roof by GAF Energy, which features nailable, low-profile solar shingles capable of producing for the energy needs of the home. These sleek solar shingles even create enough electricity to charge Gibby’s electric vehicle, without the obtrusive, boxy-panel look of conventional rack-mounted solar systems that awkwardly bolt onto a roof. 

The ranch-style stone home was constructed in 2007 as part of a planned community in Austin, Texas, and features four bedrooms and two-and-a-half baths. The original owner extended the footprint with a light-filled sunroom that current owner Robert Gibby uses as an office.

The ranch-style stone home was constructed in 2007 as part of a planned community in Austin, Texas, and features four bedrooms and two-and-a-half baths. The original owner extended the footprint with a light-filled sunroom that current owner Robert Gibby uses as an office.

Gibby wanted to make the home his own and began with a makeover of the exterior, including laying turf, xeriscaping the rear garden, and adding a large composite deck for entertaining. The new Timberline Solar roof by GAF Energy, however, has had the most impact on how the home thoughtfully meets the needs of the new residents.

Gibby wanted to make the home his own and began with a makeover of the exterior, including laying turf, xeriscaping the rear garden, and adding a large composite deck for entertaining. The new Timberline Solar roof by GAF Energy, however, has had the most impact on how the home thoughtfully meets the needs of the new residents.

The benefits of switching to solar and battery are well documented—and for Gibby, the ability to maintain power independence was the major driver. "Within 6 months of moving into the house, we experienced Snowmageddon with over a week of snow and freezing temperatures in Austin," he recalls. "We lost water for a week and also lost power for a period of time. This experience, along with the state of the power grid in Texas, went a long way toward expediting moving to a high efficiency setup where we could be off the grid for a period of time if necessary." 

The Timberline Solar roof from GAF Energy seamlessly comprises of both traditional roofing materials and one-of-a-kind, award-winning nailable solar shingles.

The Timberline Solar roof from GAF Energy seamlessly comprises of both traditional roofing materials and one-of-a-kind, award-winning nailable solar shingles.

The Timberline Solar product is a roof, offering powerful solar energy without compromising the architectural style of the home. This design-led approach is one of the things that attracted Gibby to GAF Energy over other solar energy suppliers and roofing options. 

The Timberline Solar product is a roof, offering powerful solar energy without compromising the architectural style of the home. This design-led approach is one of the things that attracted Gibby to GAF Energy over other solar energy suppliers and roofing options. 

Gibby works in an innovation role at a big tech company, and is fascinated by new technologies. His research led him to the GAF Energy Timberline Solar product, a solar roof made up wholly of shingles rather than panels or heavy tiles. By integrating solar into roofing materials, the Timberline Solar roof requires one installation process that roofers can perform with just a nail gun making it more straightforward and affordable. The solar shingles sit even with the non-solar shingles in the roofline, creating a harmonious, design-friendly look.

"I wanted a shingle application and the initial reception to the Timberline Solar product was solid," he says. "I think the backing from GAF though having been around for as long as they have been and being a trusted leader in the shingle products and all the other roofing products, led to confidence there." 

The Timberline Solar shingles don’t require drilling through an existing roof membrane, the way a traditional solar installation does. The water-shedding solar shingles are also designed to withstand winds of up to 130 mph.

The Timberline Solar shingles don’t require drilling through an existing roof membrane, the way a traditional solar installation does. The water-shedding solar shingles are also designed to withstand winds of up to 130 mph.

Most importantly, the new roof system not only provides solar-powered energy, but it also powers Gibby’s lifestyle. "I went with a large array and had to add more solar shingles," he says. "I’m a huge car guy and wanted to be able to charge an electric vehicle to offset the gas-engined sports car that I run as my daily driver."

The Energy Shingles are the world’s first nailable solar shingles, making them simple to install. It also means the solar shingle lays flush against the roof deck, improving aesthetics. 

The Energy Shingles are the world’s first nailable solar shingles, making them simple to install. It also means the solar shingle lays flush against the roof deck, improving aesthetics. 

Gibby’s 2,700-square-foot home is ideally suited for the expansive set of solar shingles he wanted on the roof, with his roof plane boasting considerable space. Additionally, the longest run of the roof is south-facing and benefits from direct sunlight throughout most of the day.

Timberline Solar requires little to no maintenance from the homeowner, and is capable of withstanding diverse weather conditions, including snow, rain, and wind. 

Timberline Solar requires little to no maintenance from the homeowner, and is capable of withstanding diverse weather conditions, including snow, rain, and wind. 

"Being carbon neutral and hopefully generating a bit more power than I use with more efficient electricity is important to me," reveals Gibby. "I want to leave the Earth in a better place than I found it."

See if Timberline Solar might be right for you at

Project Credits:

Solar Roof: GAF Energy

Dwell Creative Services Photographer: Devin Whetsone

Mandi Keighran
Design and travel writer based in London.


Last Updated


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