White oak paneling lines the sleeping loft.
White oak paneling lines the sleeping loft.
The deck connecting the two buildings has an outdoor rain shower and a soaking tub, both part of the property’s gray-water system.
The deck connecting the two buildings has an outdoor rain shower and a soaking tub, both part of the property’s gray-water system.
Not willing to sacrifice aesthetics for cost, Christie spent $2,000 on a wood-burning stove. "I could have gotten a propane stove for free, but it would have been ugly,
Not willing to sacrifice aesthetics for cost, Christie spent $2,000 on a wood-burning stove. "I could have gotten a propane stove for free, but it would have been ugly,
The cabin is constructed predominantly with plywood that Christie finished with a custom whitewash of 4:1 water to white paint, with a dash of green. "I wanted it pale,
The cabin is constructed predominantly with plywood that Christie finished with a custom whitewash of 4:1 water to white paint, with a dash of green. "I wanted it pale,
The 240-square-foot size was determined in part because the cabin needed to be moveable; it's positioned on a cliff, so if the land ever falls in, they can pull the structure further away from the edge.
The 240-square-foot size was determined in part because the cabin needed to be moveable; it's positioned on a cliff, so if the land ever falls in, they can pull the structure further away from the edge.
The building site is located about 1 kilometer from the closest road, where her parents have a trailer. The land has been in their family for 70 years. "My mom always said if she won the lotto, she'd build a log cabin here,
The building site is located about 1 kilometer from the closest road, where her parents have a trailer. The land has been in their family for 70 years. "My mom always said if she won the lotto, she'd build a log cabin here,