Outdoor Shrubs Large Pools, Tubs, Showers Back Yard Trees Small Patio, Porch, Deck Design Photos and Ideas

The homeowners were more than happy to get involved in any way they could, and they did their own landscaping on the weekends.
The house on Manursing Island includes a pool and a nearly two-acre garden.
"Neutra didn’t create the mountain. And the client bought wonderful land. If it didn't have mountains and the step down, it wouldn't be what it is," says owner of the Kaufmann House Brent Harris.
The infinity pool seems to stretch into lush views.
According to the architects, "the spatial arrangement of the ‘pocket’ courtyards is also driven by environmental concerns: the building is teased apart to maximize winter solar penetration and to capture prevailing cooling breezes."
The backyard gives a clear view of the modular construction.
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