Kitchen Ceiling Lighting Microwave White Cabinets Stone Tile Backsplashes Design Photos and Ideas

The narrow kitchen highlights a ceiling concealed hood from Falmec, overlooking a black granite countertop with the domino mix of barbecue + gas + induction hobs from Siemens, sitting atop handle less grey wood cabinets. On the open shelves, the cups are characterized by Japanese brush strokes and Finnish form, designed by Norm Architects for Menu. The vase by Agnes Fries for Normann Copenhagen features contrasting brush strokes in black over a clean white form, and adorns the top shelf along with beautiful black lilies to go with. Among other details are the grey Birillo dispenser from Alessi for soap, the Tumbler Clock by Menu as the kitchen timer, and adding to the green is the Cacti from Hay Design overlooking the small window.