From Spencer Sight
Spencer Sight turns houses into homes, but he can’t get too attached — the 28-year-old, orchestrates the renovation of homes, but don't call him a 'flipper.' “Flips have a sense of vacancy. I like to fill the spaces; I love reawakening the potential,” he says. Sight bought this bank-owned property in the outskirts of Kansas City in in late 2016, redesigned it with a blend of low-cost upgrades and high-impact features that improve both the feel and the function.
Sight, who has his real estate license, knows the business of moving houses, but his true passion is design. “I’m a born designer,” he says. “It’s always what I’ve done, and now it’s turned out to work in my favor as a profession.” He does some of the work himself, but contracts laborers and artisans to help bring his vision to life.
"I relate to each project as installation art. It's an opportunity to bring life in to lifeless spaces, each with a unique concept. The renovated space is the canvas, and filling the space with intentional objects is the paint."
Sight also favors sustainability and ethically produced goods. “We have a relationship with the earth,” he says. “It's about keeping awareness and reminders of that connection." He installed a couple of raw wood countertops from wood grown down the road, quartz crystals inlayed in the concrete countertops that his friend dug up, and handmade Cle Tile from California. Obviously, each project he takes on gets a unique treatment — his renovations aren’t standard replications. That can make it especially hard to leave them after putting in so much time and effort. “It’s bittersweet because I love existing in this space, but part of the joy is handing it over for the next owner to appreciate,” he says.