A spare material palette characterizes the interiors, with brick walls left exposed wherever possible to showcase the home's history.
A spare material palette characterizes the interiors, with brick walls left exposed wherever possible to showcase the home's history.
Carport doors swing open to the alley outside of the studio, where the property extends enough for additional landscaping. The corrugated steel siding comes from a surplus from a nearby apartment building. “There’s a lot of urban infill potential in Seattle’s neighborhoods,” Wittman remarks. “We’re catching up to older, denser cities in this regard.”
Carport doors swing open to the alley outside of the studio, where the property extends enough for additional landscaping. The corrugated steel siding comes from a surplus from a nearby apartment building. “There’s a lot of urban infill potential in Seattle’s neighborhoods,” Wittman remarks. “We’re catching up to older, denser cities in this regard.”
Home Renovation Tip: Decide on a Sensible Scope of Work
Home Renovation Tip: Decide on a Sensible Scope of Work
Board-formed concrete planters hold species fitting for the Pacific Northwest, including conifers and moss.
Board-formed concrete planters hold species fitting for the Pacific Northwest, including conifers and moss.
Textured concrete walls are a signature of Cho’s work.
Textured concrete walls are a signature of Cho’s work.