Promo Daily: Derek Israelsen

Today's Photographer Promotional Piece We Love and Why: Derek Israelsen

The paper, the stitch binding, the soft photography. Everything about this photography promo from Salt Lake City photographer Derek Israelsen is delicately fantastic. It's a little book using semi-thick matte card stock, which works really well with his photography style. He has included food, table top, and lifestyle. It's just a lovely little book to flip through every so often to take our minds back to a happy soft place.

Interior photography of the photo promo from Derek Israelsen.
Interior photography of the photo promo from Derek Israelsen.
Interior photography of the photo promo from Derek Israelsen.
Interior photography of the photo promo from Derek Israelsen.
Interior photography of the photo promo from Derek Israelsen.
Interior photography of the photo promo from Derek Israelsen.
Interior photography of the photo promo from Derek Israelsen.
Interior photography of the photo promo from Derek Israelsen.
Back cover of the photo promo from Derek Israelsen.
Back cover of the photo promo from Derek Israelsen.