Holiday Tours at The Alden B. Dow Home and Studio

Holiday Tours at the Alden B. Dow Home and Studio run annually through the month of December.

Unique to the 2016 December Holiday Tour are the vintage decorations placed in all three spaces that the Dow family celebrated the holidays throughout the years.

Enjoy the early 1940’s glistening metal tinsel on the “Sitting Room” tree, kinetic snowflakes flying and the scale trains whirring overhead, while imagining the three young Dow children snuggled on their mother’s lap as she read a Christmas Eve bedtime story.

Time leap to the 1960’s when the celebration transitioned to the “Game Room.” With children now married and the arrival of grandchildren, the number of handmade felt stockings lining the circular sofa grew. Shimmering candles placed in the unit block walls, and shining glass ornaments hung gently on evergreen branches, added warm holiday cheer to the structure.

The festivities moved to the “Living Room and Dining Room” by the 1980’s. Enjoy the traditions of grand size poinsettias, witch hazel branches wrapped in colored twinkling lights, scale trains carrying sweet treats, a center piece of towering ornaments and candles, along with large baubles swaying in the windows, against the serene mood of Christmas music playing in the
background, enhancing the holiday spirit.