Collection by Richard Hokin
Captain's Quarters
One side of the building contains two simple bedrooms and a bathroom. The other, larger side houses the open-plan living area, kitchen, covered deck with fireplace, and additional bedroom.
The deck-hallway that runs the length of the building is partially covered, but the decking boards and inset fiberglass door panels allow air and light to penetrate. The architects wanted to suggest that moving between the different living spaces involved a trip through nature, as it does in traditional camping.
A pared-down cabin on Eleuthera island was designed as an off- the-grid retreat for Mark and Kate Ingraham and their daughter. Envisioning “a simple box rest- ing lightly on the land,” architect Jacob Brillhart specified natural materials like Western red cedar so that the structure would fade into the landscape. Bahamian builder Cecil McCardy and his crew used machetes to clear the remote site.
"Set in splendid isolation in a small, surf-battered bay on the north coast of Horomaka Banks Peninsula, this rustic style dwelling is luxury accommodation at Annandale, a 4000-hectare beef and sheep farm. The bay is nature in the raw. Seals and penguins frequent the dense kelp beds offshore, whales and dolphins travel the coastline, and piled on the beach are tangles of bleaching driftwood. Faced with such an uncompromising location, architect Andrew Patterson eschewed a modern or abstracted path—which, he reasons, 'would have fought the timeless nature of the bay’—in favour of a rural vernacular form, albeit on a monumental scale.