Collection by maxwills

Berliner Escape Room: A Fun Escape For The CORONA VIRUS SEASON

Are you searching for an experience that will make your heart skip a second? Do you want to challenge your mind if you're up to the test? Or just and a tourist who wants to experience the famous attraction Berlin? Welcome to Escape Room in Berlin, where all enjoyment and adventure you're looking for are put together in one place.

Despite this coronavirus crisis, people in Berlin are enjoying the experience of the famous attractions in Germany, the It's a game that can be participated by a group minimum of two maximum of six participants. Escape different rooms for 60 minutes and use your intuition and teamwork to strive. Composed of puzzles, riddles, and mysteries each room is designed to push your mind at its limits.


Is it safe for fun?

We all are concern with the numerous infections everyday even we have endured a long period of lockdown. It's maybe risky to go outside, but with the proper knowledge, preparation, and obedience to the right Guidelines, we can prevent those from happening and start enjoying our time in this corona crisis. These sets of guidelines will be your bases to have a safe and pleasant experience playing the game.

7 Guideline before playing the game

1. You are given 10 minutes before the start of the game.
2. You must wait outside to avoid encounters with the players from the other groups.

3. Wait for the game master at picking you up.

4. Each individual will provide mouth and nose protection, and it is a mandatory policy.

5. Observe social distancing at exactly 1.5 meters.

6. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before the game or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

7. Provide the exact or correct contact information.

If you or one of your teammates have respiratory symptoms (unless the doctor has clarified a cold, for example), is not allowed to participate in the game. It’s to make sure that further infection will be prevented.

Wrap things up!

A pandemic may be spreading out across different countries, but it doesn't mean that we should stop having fun too. We have suffered enough with a long lockdown and needed to relieve our stress. Going to such a place like Berliner's escape rooms is one of the activities we can perform in
this crisis.

So, gear up with family and friends and set course to the mystery of a lifetime. In Labyrinth Cabinets, choose the best game customized for your taste. Teamwork is the key to get out of the room. Look for hidden clues, use your creative imagination, and grind your intuition as you entered the room. Master your thoughts and work together, notwithstanding the odds. Conquer the room and enjoy the game. The question is, Are you up to the task?

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