Collection by Kevin Jefferson

5 Tips to Make Your House Super Clean

Keeping your house as clean as a whistle is a prerequisite for a healthy and productive domestic life.
Imagine trying to write a seminar paper or organize your tax papers with dishes so full of mold in the kitchen sink that the pile’s developed a personality of its own?

Or, picture this.

You want to invite a couple of friends for a drink or two but the couch they’re supposed to sit on has developed a bustling bed bug community complete with bed bug schools, NHS, and the post office?

Or, what if you’ve just decided to have an aromatherapy session with nothing but your towel, a vessel of warm water, and some essential oil – when a thick layer of dust throws a spanner in your plans and you end up admitted to the nearby clinic due to an unyielding bout of sneezing?

A tough prospect indeed, but luckily for anyone whose blood boils at the very thought of leading such a sorry domestic existence, this problem can easily be described as one of the most fixable problems in the world. All you need is some cleaning tools, a large trash can, and a bit of time on your hands to get going.

In this article, we’re going to propose to you 5 easy-to-follow tips for making your house clean and well-taken care of at all times, no matter how rough the state of the matter is at the moment. As you will see, all of these are fairly simple to follow, so you won’t need to worry too much about buying expensive cleaning tools or anything of the sort.

1. Throw Away Useless Items

The first step toward making your home sparkling clean would be determining what to clean and what not to clean.

Remember, we’re thorough in this list here, so the rule is that everything has to be cleaned. This, in turn, implies that you should simply get rid of some of the items in your home.

The stuff you choose should fall into the sort of category of items for which you would say that ‘you’d use them sometime in the future’, or that ‘you may need them one day, who knows’. The thing is, of course, that you will likely never be using any of these, so why bother keeping them and cleaning them in the first place?

Old coat hangers that look old-fashioned, and for which, you no longer have used? Get rid of them.

‘Oh, but let them be, they’re sentimental value.’ – No, they’re not – it’s just clutter, remember that and it will be easier.

2. Dust Your Furniture

Although all pieces of furniture should be dusted every now and again, some pieces tend to attract more of the stuff than the other, so you should take care of these first.

Items such as tables, chairs, any sort of broad items where dust can settle should be cleaned most often. It’s better to clean these a couple of times a week than wait until a couple of layers have accumulated and then have a bigger cleaning task on your hands all of a sudden.

3. Clean Up Dirty Tiles

Whether we’re talking about your bathroom or kitchen, whatever area of your home has tile as the floor surface of choice, you should aim to take good care of it.

Although tiles aren’t that difficult to clean, they can still accumulate quite a lot of dust, dirt, and pollution, so lightly sweeping these on a regular basis should be the recipe to keeping these clean and sanitary at all times.

4. Wipe Windows Regularly

Even though windows are vertical surfaces, they can still amass quite a bit of dust if you don’t take care of them regularly.

The good news here is that windows are perhaps the easiest part of your house to clean. (If we disregard the fact that reaching them can be tricky at times, especially if you’re short.) A little bit of a powerful cleaning solution, a bucket of warm water, and perhaps a squeegee or two et voila! – Your window-cleaning kit is as ready as it will ever be.

5. Take Good Care of Your Gadgetry

… because as neat and shiny as it looks when you first take it out of the box, chances are – your TV set, routers, and computers are going to attract a thick layer of dust if you leave them ‘unchecked’ for a week or so.

Again, similarly to glass, plastic is luckily fairly easy to clean, so it’s not like you’ll have to obsess over a remote control for a couple of hours before you can say ‘Job done’.

All in all, making your house as clean as a whistle is not nuclear science. It's more of microbiological science, actually, because all of the cleaning solutions you'll be using. The bottom line, the key to proper home hygiene is to get rid of the useless stuff and clean the remaining objects regularly. This way, you will have spent less time cleaning that if you left them to fester and accumulate dust for weeks and then had to do it all at once.