What's An Incubator? Find Out This Weekend At Dwell on Design

Our New York edition of Dwell on Design returns this weekend, Oct. 2–4 at Skylight Clarkson Sq. In anticipation of our three-day conference and event, we're spotlighting a few of our stellar speakers, including Julia Kaganskiy, director of the first museum-led incubator, NEW INC.
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What's an incubator, who and what is it for, and how does it work? As the possibilities of art and design evolve in our hyper-connected age, so too have our workplaces and tools.

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NEW INC, the first museum-led incubator, is a shared workspace and professional development program designed to support creative practitioners working in the areas of art, technology, and design. Conceived by the New Museum in 2013 and launched September 2014, the incubator is a not-for-profit platform that furthers the Museum’s ongoing commitment to new art and new ideas.

Joining us at Dwell on Design NY to demystify that very topic will be three experts working at the intersection of art, design, and technology—Julia Kaganskiy, director of NEW INC at the New Museum; David Belt, co-founder of Macro Sea; and Rob Giampietro, creative lead at Google Material Design NY. Each working to develop tools and resources for specialized, experimental communities, the three will speak about what it's like to support and work among today's pioneering creatives.

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Among the tools and resources included in NEW INC's shared workspaces is a lab space for 3D-printing and tooling projects.

Don't miss Julia, David, and Rob speak at our the panel discussion "Fostering Innovation," taking place on Saturday, October 3 from 3:30–4 pm, and in the meantime, check out the range of recent work that has developed from NEW INC, the first museum-led incubator, since its launch last September. Get your tickets now to join us for three days of stimulating conversations and exhibitions. For more info, and a full list of our panelists, visit this page at dwellondesign.com.

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At NEW INC’s inaugural year end showcase of collaborative projects at Red Bull Studios New York, artists displayed works developed at the collective workspace. Among the projects was the "Drawing Operations Unit: Generation_1 (D.O.U.G)," performed by artist Sougwen Chung, who created it in collaboration with Yotam Mann.


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Another installation at the inaugural year-end event included "Snowblind,” an architectural installation by The Principals and Studio Studio that questions the limits of the built environment using cloud architecture.

Aileen Kwun
Writer and Editor. Author, Twenty Over Eighty: Conversations on a Lifetime in Architecture and Design (Princeton Architectural Press, 2016). Visiting instructor, Pratt Institute. Tell me something good: aileenkwun@gmail.com


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