Three Great House Blogs
To learn even more about what goes on in Paul and Shoko Shozi's SoCal prefab, check out the blog Paul keeps. I had a great time visiting the couple's home and you'll get an even deeper look at how the design of this wonderfully tranquil house perfectly mirrors its owners lives. Those pumpkins in the courtyard next to the Japanese maple are amazing.
In our most recent small spaces issue we covered the Harpoon House in Portland, Oregon. To see the running narrative of how this clever abode came to be, and to see what's new (that library ladder to the sleeping loft!), check in on Katherine Bovve and Matt Kirkpatrick's fine blog.
Finally, here's a really great blog that is less about construction (the couple who run it aren't quite there yet) than inspiration. An Angeleno pair has fastened on a plot of land in Highland Park and are now scheming and dreaming of what they'll put there. Follow the progress on Fifth from the Top and before long you may see the finished product right here at Dwell.
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