Rubell Collection: Donut Wall

I saw a lot of art and a lot of design amidst the Basel melee in Miami last week. But little can compare to the sheer glee I experienced at seeing this massive wall of donuts at the Rubell Family Collection last Thursday.
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The Rubell Family is one of Miami's biggest collectors of contemporary art, and as a kind of grand welcoming gesture to the city at large, they opened up their Wynwood Arts District museum with a wildly well-attended breakfast to celebrate the opening of their new show, Beg Borrow and Steal. Unsure of what kind of scene I'd find, and just how many passes at my dreamed-of buffet table I'd make, I abandoned my quiche and crumpets fantasy as soon as I saw what must have been the largest expanse of cake donuts I'd ever glimpsed.

Rubell Collection: Donut Wall - Photo 1 of 2 -

A fellow journo--a German, thus the slightly-off translation--had told me that a wall of bagels were waiting for us in the museum's courtyard. Resigned to, at best, the leavings of the lox plate, my spirits leapt upon realizing that the eight-foot-high-by perhaps forty-foot- long wall was affixed with a panoply not of bagels but their far more toothsome cousins. Who made them? Don't know, don't care. Who ate them? Everyone present. And with coffee just behind the wall I utterly forewent decorum and scarfed two in quick succession. A choice I promptly sweated out over the course of the rest of the sweltering day. No regrets, my friends. No regrets. 

Rubell Collection: Donut Wall - Photo 2 of 2 -
Aaron Britt
Aaron writes the men's style column "The Pocket Square" for the San Francisco Chronicle and has written for the New York Times, the Times Magazine, Newsweek, National Geographic and others.


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