Promo Daily: Damon Casarez

In this installment of Photographer's Promotional Pieces We Love and Why: Damon Casarez
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You should hear us squeal with joy when we are sent an actual print from a photographer. It is a wonderful gesture and something we always, always appreciate. Photographer Damon Casarez definitely caught my attention with this wonderful print of an extremely well manicured tree. On the back of the print, he tacked on his business card and a personal note "just saying hello." It was a lovely piece of mail to receive and is now displayed on my desk always reminding me of his work and to check in with him about his where abouts.

Promo Daily: Damon Casarez - Photo 1 of 2 -

Promo Daily: Damon Casarez - Photo 2 of 2 -
Julia Sabot
Julia Sabot is passionate about everything photography related, and is a lover of the outdoors.


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