Easy Ways to Save Energy

Apparently the average home has 40 devices plugged in drawing constant energy, even when they're turned off (this is called, creepily, 'vampire energy'). To combat this, Belkin has created a slew of products, in their 'conserve' line, that help consumers track, monitor and control energy use in their home. Here's the Conserve Socket, which turns off automatically after 30 minutes, three hours, or six hours of use. (They also make another socket, the Conserve Valet, that turns off when an electronic device is fully charged):
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Here's a surge protector that reduces standby power to electronic devices like your TV and entertainment system:

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And here's my favorite gadget of the bunch, the Insight, a plug-in energy monitor that displays electricity consumed (wattage); the carbon dioxide produced to create that electricity; and the actual cost, in dollars and cents, of that energy use. Curious to see how this product would affect my own personal energy use: would I be so shocked by the cost of powering my always-plugged-in TV, toaster, and coffee maker, that I change my energy-sucking ways? Perhaps I'll order one of these babies and run a little experiment...

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Jaime Gillin
When not writing, editing, or combing design magazines and blogs for inspiration, Jaime Gillin is experimenting with new recipes, traveling as much as possible, and tackling minor home-improvement projects that inevitably turn...


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