Exterior, Shingles Roof Material, Gable RoofLine, Stone Siding Material, Metal Siding Material, Flat RoofLine, and House Building Type This renovation was designed for a young family by Glasgow-based architect Andrew McAvoy of Assembly Architecture. McAvoy followed the original U-shape of the former residence by building two new energy-efficient houses, the first of which combines the original granite building with a new extension to provide an open-plan living area and three bedrooms.  Photos from Merging Old and New With These 10 Modern Renovations in Scotland


This renovation was designed for a young family by Glasgow-based architect Andrew McAvoy of Assembly Architecture. McAvoy followed the original U-shape of the former residence by building two new energy-efficient houses, the first of which combines the original granite building with a new extension to provide an open-plan living area and three bedrooms.