Exterior, House Building Type, Flat RoofLine, Glass Siding Material, Metal Siding Material, and Metal Roof Material Created from steel and glass, with emphasis on space and ground, light and shadow, this amazing representation of High-tech Modernism is innovative in its design, and nothing short of stunning. Featuring huge wall-size multi-pane doors that retract -- not horizontally, but vertically – and integrate with the home’s ceiling, opening entire rooms to the property's enchanting Zen-like gardens. There are large sliding glass doors as well, and expanses of clerestory windows.  Photo 1 of 14 in Iconic Modernism by Barton Myers by Susan Hartzler

Iconic Modernism by Barton Myers

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Created from steel and glass, with emphasis on space and ground, light and shadow, this amazing representation of High-tech Modernism is innovative in its design, and nothing short of stunning. Featuring huge wall-size multi-pane doors that retract -- not horizontally, but vertically – and integrate with the home’s ceiling, opening entire rooms to the property's enchanting Zen-like gardens. There are large sliding glass doors as well, and expanses of clerestory windows.