Exterior, Concrete Siding Material, Wood Siding Material, House Building Type, and Stone Siding Material The gate leading to Geoff Carroll and Julie Young’s rebuilt terrace house in an inner suburb of Sydney, Australia, holds an array of succulents, signaling what lies within:  a greenery-filled home that includes a central courtyard, vertical gardens, aquaponics and rain filter systems, and even a chicken coop. Architect Clinton Cole of CplusC Architectural Workshop led a team of collaborators in revamping the property.  Photos from A Sustainable Home Near Sydney Boasts Chicken Coops, Vertical Gardens, and More


The gate leading to Geoff Carroll and Julie Young’s rebuilt terrace house in an inner suburb of Sydney, Australia, holds an array of succulents, signaling what lies within: a greenery-filled home that includes a central courtyard, vertical gardens, aquaponics and rain filter systems, and even a chicken coop. Architect Clinton Cole of CplusC Architectural Workshop led a team of collaborators in revamping the property.