Exterior, House Building Type, Shipping Container Building Type, Metal Siding Material, and Wood Siding Material One of the main draws of Kevin Freeman and Jen Feldmann’s house is its connection to the neighborhood, which is why the front porch was a must. “Homes that have a door but no outside space say, ‘I’m not interested in you,’” designer Christopher Robertson explains. “This says, ‘I’m here to be part of the community.’”  Photo 16 of 19 in Ideas para cabaña by Cristian Durney Labayru from The Shipping Muse

Ideas para cabaña

16 of 19

One of the main draws of Kevin Freeman and Jen Feldmann’s house is its connection to the neighborhood, which is why the front porch was a must. “Homes that have a door but no outside space say, ‘I’m not interested in you,’” designer Christopher Robertson explains. “This says, ‘I’m here to be part of the community.’”