Located in the Pacific Palisades, this home had been virtually untouched for over 40 years as it remained in the hands of the original ownership. Architect Kevin Southerland renovated it with an eye for preserving its "good bones" and gently updating it with eco-friendly materials. A new layer of painted cement board now coats the exterior, lending it long-term durability and resistance to decay. "By removing a few interior walls, reconfiguring a couple of others and opening up the kitchen/living/dining areas, we were left with a wonderfully livable floor plan with a great balance of public and private space," says Southerland. A large, open, galley-style kitchen and mirrored planes of wall paneling visually expand the home's interior perspective.  Photo 4 of 6 in A Mid-Century Modern Makeover in Los Angeles

A Mid-Century Modern Makeover in Los Angeles

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"By removing a few interior walls, reconfiguring a couple of others and opening up the kitchen/living/dining areas, we were left with a wonderfully livable floor plan with a great balance of public and private space," says Southerland. A large, open galley style kitchen and mirrored planes of wall paneling visually expand the home's interior perspective.