The back of the house serves as the greatest departure from the otherwise preserved proportions of the original Victorian farmhouse. With the thoughtful insertion of a “glass dining cube” and a rehabilitated deck space with sliding doors that can stand open, an outdoor living space creates additional programmatic flexibility while reinforcing the indoor/outdoor connection.  Search “捕鱼达人2爱吾破解版『』捕鱼达人3破解版单机版下载安装.w6n2c9o.2022年11月29日5时21分33秒.m7uznrxvb” from Beyond The Red Door

Search “捕鱼达人2爱吾破解版『』捕鱼达人3破解版单机版下载安装.w6n2c9o.2022年11月29日5时21分33秒.m7uznrxvb”

The back of the house serves as the greatest departure from the otherwise preserved proportions of the original Victorian farmhouse. With the thoughtful insertion of a “glass dining cube” and a rehabilitated deck space with sliding doors that can stand open, an outdoor living space creates additional programmatic flexibility while reinforcing the indoor/outdoor connection.