Bedroom When entering the guest room, we immediately notice a rack with metal elements and a bonsai. Thanks to the lighting, the tree serves not only as a decorative element, but also as a floor lamp in the evening. The quintessence of the functionality of the living room is a sliding panel with a TV, which can close the window so that light does not interfere when watching it. And in order to arrange evening film screenings at home, we have provided a projector.

If we look into the private part of the apartment, we will get into the guest bedroom. This is a concise room which plays an accompanying part in the ensemble of rooms, but it does not inferior to any of them functionally. In addition to the main function, here you can work or just relax.  Photo 6 of 37 in Single Malt by Between the Walls

Single Malt

6 of 37

When entering the guest room, we immediately notice a rack with metal elements and a bonsai. Thanks to the lighting, the tree serves not only as a decorative element, but also as a floor lamp in the evening. The quintessence of the functionality of the living room is a sliding panel with a TV, which can close the window so that light does not interfere when watching it. And in order to arrange evening film screenings at home, we have provided a projector.

If we look into the private part of the apartment, we will get into the guest bedroom. This is a concise room which plays an accompanying part in the ensemble of rooms, but it does not inferior to any of them functionally. In addition to the main function, here you can work or just relax.