Bedroom, Rug Floor, Dark Hardwood Floor, Dresser, and Bed In order to provide a durable and hardy surface for beachgoers, the floors are lined with tile that looks like sun-bleached wood. To create a fun, casual, and beachy vibe, the team introduced barn doors, white beach rock tile in the shower, retro-looking light green sinks, and open closet systems made with wood and iron.  Photo 8 of 124 in Favorites by Mariana Siok from A New Modern Hotel in San Diego Offers Surfing Adventures and Local Hospitality


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In order to provide a durable and hardy surface for beachgoers, the floors are lined with tile that looks like sun-bleached wood. To create a fun, casual, and beachy vibe, the team introduced barn doors, white beach rock tile in the shower, retro-looking light green sinks, and open closet systems made with wood and iron.