Outdoor, Back Yard, Trees, Grass, Walkways, Shrubs, Small Patio, Porch, Deck, Horizontal Fences, Wall, and Wood Fences, Wall You'd never designed for special needs children before the Bancroft residence, how did you interpret the clients' needs?

Jack Hawkins, architect: I would like to say I did tons of research, but I didn't. I went with the parents' lead. I took most of my design cues from them. They're the immediate caregivers, they know their children and about autism. They did all the research and told me what was important.  Photos from A Forest Sanctuary Designed to Support Autistic Triplets, Their Parents, and a Host of Caregivers


You'd never designed for special needs children before the Bancroft residence, how did you interpret the clients' needs?

Jack Hawkins, architect: I would like to say I did tons of research, but I didn't. I went with the parents' lead. I took most of my design cues from them. They're the immediate caregivers, they know their children and about autism. They did all the research and told me what was important.